Thanks to television and movies, there are a lot of things we believe to be true about the legal system. No matter how many times you see something on screen, it does not necessarily mean it is factual. Today, we are going to debunk five common myths about the legal system so you can be better educated about how it all works. If you live in DFW and are in need of legal counsel, you should have Davis, Ermis and Roberts on your side. From family law to criminal defense, we do it all.
1. Forensics Are End All Be All
One big misconception about forensics is that every case will have them. It is actually not always present in every case, and when it is, there might only be one or two things presented to a jury. Additionally, forensics can sometimes do more harm than good. They are not always as conclusive as one sees in TV cases, so they can often be the cause of reasonable doubt.
2. The Innocent Do Not Confess
Unfortunately, this is not true. There are many cases of innocent defendants pleading guilty for a variety of reasons. These reasons often include:
- Desire to end an interrogation
- Emotional distress
- Financial distress
- Harsh interrogation methods
3. Undercover Police Must Identify Themselves
Many movies have scenes where undercover police are asked if they are a cop, and the question usually leads to a brawl between the officer and the criminals. This is not how it works in a real undercover investigation. The myth is that a cop must reveal themselves when asked to, or else they are committing entrapment. Entrapment is only valid when an officer coaxes someone into doing a crime they originally had no intention of committing. Undercover officers are typically monitoring or assisting in a crime’s preparations, not forcing someone to commit the crime.
4. Always Action Packed
Though the legal system includes crime scenes and bad guys, it is actually a lot of analysis and brainstorming. Those investigating a case are often coming up with different ways a crime could have unfolded. Attorneys spend their time orchestrating the most convincing arguments they can. There is not always action, but the work is certainly not boring!
5. Witness Testimony Means a Slam-Dunk a Case
There is often the thought that the presence of witnesses is really beneficial to a case, but not always. Witness testimony is not always reliable, because a person’s memory is not always consistent with what happened. The National Registry of Exonerations found that over a third of wrongful convictions were due to mistaken witness testimony.
Davis, Ermis and Roberts: We Help DFW Residents Navigate the Legal System
It is no secret that the legal system is complex, and media can often make it more confusing. We hope some myths were made clearer after reading this. If you’ve been accused of a crime, you should never go through the legal system alone! Rely on Davis, Ermis and Roberts to guide you through the process and defend you in court. With over 35 years of experience, there is no one else in DFW who will represent you better than our criminal defense attorneys. Call us at (817) 265-8832 or visit our website to get a free consultation!