How to Reduce Child Support While Unemployed Due to COVID-19

Unemployment has skyrocketed due to country-wide lockdowns. Whether you’ve lost your job or had your pay reduced, we know child support is a financial burden you might not be able to afford right now. Until you officially seek modification to your child support payments, you’ll have to keep paying as much of your child support as possible. We’ve put together a guide to reducing your child support payments to suit your income changes.

Seeking Child Support Payment Modification

As soon as your income changes, you need to get in touch with an attorney and communicate this information to them. You’ll have to put in a request for the Office of the Attorney General to review your case and adjust your payments. If you wait to alert your local government of your new situation, you’ll have to wait longer to have your payments reduced. While you’re in the process of having your payments modified, you still need to make the effort to pay as much of your child support as you can. If you don’t pay your child support, the local government might pursue enforcement actions against you. Even if you can’t realistically afford the entire payment, you need to pay as much as you can so you can prove to the court that you’ve been making an effort.

Proof of Payments and Unemployment

When you’re seeking modification of your child support payments, you’ll need to produce proof that you’ve been paying your child support, or that you haven’t been able to do so. This also includes proving you’re unemployed, or that you’re making less money. If you’re unemployed, your payments will be modified based on your past income, your ability to work, and the federal minimum wage. This change might be temporary until you can get back to your previous income, but it will stay in place as long as you need it.

What If You’re Receiving Unemployment Benefits?

If you’re currently receiving benefits for unemployment, child support will be taken from your benefits. This is called wage withholding, and it’s common for anyone with overdue bills or child support payments. With wage withholding, up to half of your unemployment benefits can be taken for child support. You can still request a review of your case, and you might still be able to have your payments modified. Even if you’re getting unemployment benefits, it’s still important to get in touch with an attorney and have your case reviewed.

File for Child Support Modification with David, Ermis and Roberts

If you’re struggling to pay your child support, contact our talented attorneys at David, Ermis and Roberts. We’ll help you every step of the way and help you through the process of reviewing your case. Our attorneys will do everything they can to have your payments reduced to a reasonable amount. Don’t keep struggling with your child support bills. Get in contact with an attorney at David, Ermis and Roberts today. With us, you’ll know your case is in good hands.